I walked that path too - anthology
This intimate book is meant to be an inspiring journeying companion with quotes throughout the chapters, for a friend, parent, life partner, caregiver and anyone going through the breast cancer journey.
The anthology compiles unique stories told by amazing storytellers … women who have lived through the ordeal of breast cancer and share their personal path to healing; in another chapter, a young woman, describes how she navigated the challenge of her mother's illness to her recovery. Also, four proficient therapists committed beyond international borders bring their support and awareness to the cause, and a poet expresses his solidarity by lending his voice to full presence.
Published in 2023
SOuls in love - poetry
The verses from this raptures-inspired poetry book illuminate intimacy as the essence of romantic love. Fueled by passion and rooted in commitment, a deep connection cascades into a joyful union at all levels—soul, mind, heart, and body.
In Souls in Love, the couple awakens to their soul’s longing to live together a sensual and meaningful life. In an elegant symphony of words, their poems explore the alchemy between two lovers that keeps the flame blazing. The differences in authors’ backgrounds, including their nationalities, enrich and guide their poetry toward universality.
Co-written by Sophie Roumeas with Sam Yau
Published in 2022
J’ai vécu la même chose que toi - FRENCH anthology
Cette anthologie compile douze histoires uniques racontées par des jeunes femmes conteuses, poètes, artistes, mères, sœurs, amies engagées… Toutes ont un point commun : elles ont vécu l'épreuve du cancer du sein, et ont marché le chemin de la guérison avec courage, détermination, parfois des doutes et souvent des souffrances, mais toujours avec la profonde motivation d'en revenir.
Ce livre intime se veut un compagnon de route inspirant avec des citations tout au long des chapitres, pour un.e ami.e, un.e parent.e, un.e partenaire de vie, un.e soignant.e et toute personne qui souhaite comprendre encore plus cette épreuve de vie.
Published in 2021